Thursday, March 1, 2007

Command-Line parameter to open the Event Viewer on Another Computer

I use my Event Viewer to look at other computers' Event Logs. This is very usefule, for example, to see what is going on on a SQL Server without Remote Desktop.

Here is a way to start Event Viewer already connected to another computer:

 eventvwr.msc /computer=OTHER_NAME 

Where OTHER_NAME is the name of the other computer. I find this useful to set up as an external tool in Enterprise Manager. I set up one for each of my SQL Servers.


  1. Handy command line tip. Thanks!

  2. Useful post. Thanks.

  3. This was awesome. Used it to recover from a failure where I could only reach the task manager but had to view some logs.

    You can use the first part of this command in the task manager.

    click File -> Run -> eventvwr.msc Awesome.


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